Thursday 30 April 2009

Real Superheroes

Gordon Brown once wrote a book about heroism as well as being labelled ‘superman’ for saving the world from economic disaster by using our credit card, so he should know a thing or two about the subject.

The Ghurkas, in their proud history in the British Army, extending back to 1815, have earned no less than 26 Victoria Crosses for their bravery on our behalf. They have been deployed in all major wars since and in many more trivial or other violent sojourns. Each time they have fought with a courage and ferocity which has struck fear into the hearts of our enemies at the mere mention of their name.

In the context of bail outs and billions, the estimated cost of allowing all retired Ghurkas, somewhere near 36,000 of them, to settle in Britain if they all wished, would be around £1.4bn according to Brown’s infallible calculator. Small beer, for a family of people whose pinnacle of motivation was to serve a country whose ruling Government was willing to wave two fingers at them because it cost too much.

By a slim majority and thanks to the courage of a handful of Labour dissenters who defied the strong arm of Brown, Nick Clegg’s motion to allow all Ghurkas to live in Britain was passed. It was victory for people over money, for honour over greed, for people who love us not use us, for true heroes over pretenders.

In a world obsessed with money and preserving the undeserved, Gordon Brown got it right between the eyes. True heroes make sacrifices, true heroes have real values, true heroes have no time for self-interest, true heroes don’t talk, they act.

Today, as Brown reeled in defeat he has asked his own party for humility. It’s a great pity he has only enough to try and save his own neck. True heroes save others.

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